Chiesa di S. Ermete

The thousand-year-old little church of Sant'Ermete is the oldest in the Valsugana Valley.

 Chiesa di S. Ermete  #1
Chiesa di S. Ermete #1

The little church of Sant'Ermete is the oldest in all the Valsugana Valley. It was almost certainly built in the Longobard Age, on a small plain where the Roman goddess Diana used to be formerly worshipped. The existence of this Pagan cult is testified by an important find displayed opposite the side entrance. Its structure and the perimeter walls' layout point to a date that cannot possibly be earlier than the 6th-7th centuries, when Queen Theodolinda set off the conversion of the Longobards to Christianity.
The church is simple yet very evocativec. It features a square ground plan, and is overshadowed by a beautiful proto-Romanesque stone bell tower, which was added on a later date. The first major refurbishing and restyling works were carried out in 1512 by the Lords of Caldonazzo, the Counts Trapp, when the precious frescoes indoor were painted.

Contact & Directions

APT Valsugana Lagorai
Via Vittorio Emanuele, 3
Levico Terme , Italy

Weather Valsugana

Max Temp. (C): 30°
Temp. Min. (C): 18°
Jul 28
Max Temp. (C): 31°
Temp. Min. (C): 18°
Jul 29
Max Temp. (C): 30°
Temp. Min. (C): 17°
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