
Angeli  #1
Angeli #1
Angeli  #2
Angeli #2

Located in Dro, in Upper Garda Trentino, between Lake Garda, Lake Toblino and Lake Cavedine, Distilleria Angeli uses only pomace, the prime raw material of distillation, derived from local grapes. This is the reason why they can guarantee the top quality and typicality of their grappa.
As with wine, Trentino grappa has very ancient origins, and quality of the raw material, pomace, is as important as the quality of the distillation process.
Angeli acquired the art of distillation since the beginning of the 20th century. The grandfather, Quirino Angeli, using rudimentary apparatus to distil daily quotas of grappa in the homestead's basement, passed on his passion for distillation to his son Antonio who then founded the distillery you see today in 1952.

Contact & Directions

Via Capitelli, 31
38074 Dro , Italy

Weather Garda Trentino and Valle di Ledro

Max Temp. (C): 32°
Temp. Min. (C): 20°
Jul 27
Max Temp. (C): 33°
Temp. Min. (C): 21°
Jul 28
Max Temp. (C): 35°
Temp. Min. (C): 22°
Weather forecast