Vignaioli di montagna
Wine tasting with vintners of Trentino-Alto Adige, Saturday, April 29
With its rhythms, its natural environment, its seasonal cycles punctuates the mountain nonstop life of Trentino and South Tyrol populations: it refines quenching industriousness and patience. The mountain, in fact, is not an easy life partner: it requires perseverance and sacrifice. Grow grapes on the slopes of the Alpine valleys is a challenge to the laws of gravity, it is a risk factor that does not admit mistakes. This is why the terraced vineyards of the Cembra Valley and the Vinschgau are defined as "heroic."
Today the tenants of Trentino and Alto Adige choose to tell the story together of their cellars, the meaning of their work, the taste of your wine. As part of the TrentoFilmFestival dedicated to mountain films - the ideal terrain for the encounter and confrontation between different cultures - the Chambers of Commerce of Trento and Bolzano in cooperation with the Winegrowers Association of Trentino and the Association of Winegrowers 'South Tyrol promote Palazzo Roccabruna a tasting event for the first time brings together 30 wine growers of the region, 15 and 15 from Trentino Alto Adige. A meeting in the name of the mountain, because the "mountain grown" is never a barrier, but a bridge that connects people and their ideas.