Paganella Dolomites Alpine Taste

Dolomiti Paganella

From 9 to 24 September, experience the Gusto Alpino Special Weeks!

This is a period of great excitement, in which to experience special tasting occasions at restaurants and farms and wineries and to discover the places and culture of production through 'delicious' events and experiences.

In the heart of Trentino, between the Paganella Plateau, the village of San Lorenzo Dorsino and the Piana Rotaliana Königsberg, dozens of small companies producing characteristic foods are concentrated: vegetables, fruit, wine, spirits, meat, milk, cheese, honey and herbs.

The people who run them put passion into them and are inspired by sustainability and authenticity criteria. They are joined by an equal number of restaurateurs who are committed to using healthy, zero-km ingredients and enhancing their qualities, seeking continuity with tradition and balance with the environment.

The producers open their doors to the public to tell stories of agricultural culture, territorial peculiarities and productive innovation.

Restaurateurs rediscover traditional local recipes and reinterpret them with creativity.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2023

3 p.m. - From the bean to the cup
Experience the Trentino-based Adler Caffé roasting plant and discover why that 'simple' bean was chosen. The owners will take you on a short tour of the roasting plant where, intoxicated by the aroma of coffee, you will witness the roasting and extraction process of the famous beverage. You will learn about the history of the company, which was founded in 1981 thanks to the collaboration of two friends who shared a passion for coffee, and is now family-run. The origin of the name Adler, which means eagle in German, comes from the founders' desire to unite our beloved Trentino (symbol of Trento) with the reality of South Tyrol (German language). At the end of this experience you will feel more qualified in a world, that of coffee, still in some ways unknown and unexplored!
Torrefazione Adler | Lavis | Book here

5 p.m. - Master brewers
From snack to dinner with the delights of Trentino. We are waiting for you to spend a pleasant moment of relaxation, tasting local products and Trentino dinner while drinking a beer or a glass of wine with friends. Musical entertainment.
Birra del Bosco | San Michele all'Adige | Book here

7.00 p.m. - Dinner: The peaks of the Brenta meet the Paganella and... arrive at the "Piccolo"
Tasting-pairing with 3 wines from the Giovannini farm, named Sfulmini, Tosa and Galin like our peaks. The 3 wines descend from the Paganella peak accompanied by Elia and Ernico. They will brighten the evening with their stories.
Il Piccolo Dolomiti Resort | Andalo | Booking (+39) 0461 585710

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