Foliage at the Parco del Respiro

Paths, emotions and shows

Foliage at the Parco del Respiro

October 7th and 8th | Parco del Respiro | Fai della Paganella

The summer season in Fai della Paganella embraces autumn, a wonderful moment! The Parco del Respiro is an ideal place for the foliage: a palette of colors in the beech woods, a place of extraordinary beauty with ideal and unique characteristics to try Forest Bathing, a practice for the psycho-physical well-being of the person.

A weekend to experience the emotions of nature on the trails. Music, shows and sensory immersions in the woods.


In nature in search of one's psycho-physical well-being. Forest Bathing is a practice that originated in Japan under the name "Shinrin Yoku" and has been widespread in the East for several years for its important role in preventive medicine.

Scientific research has shown that certain volatile substances emitted by different species of trees - monoterpenes - if inhaled in a sufficient dose and over an appropriate period of time induce prolonged physiological changes in the human body, such as a reduction in stress, blood pressure and an increase in the immune system.

The sensory immersion activity involves simple practices involving the five senses and is aimed at all persons from 10 years of age. Appropriate clothing for forest and water activities is required.

The S-legati Company with "The Bear's Flesh"
Sepulveda, Calvino, Levi, Crichton, Swaiz, Petit, Chatwin and others... the reference texts revolve around some of the great themes linked to the mountains: silence, walking, extreme gestures and adventure. Between one stage and the next, participants can let the words they have heard settle and continue to 'live' the world of stories they have heard, each within themselves, during their mountain walk. Teatrekking is the exact point of 'interchange' between theatre and mountains. One walks, all together, as one does in the mountains, speaking little during the walk and giving space to words and sharing during the stops and in the silence of the summit. Conclusion of the teatrekking with a glass of wine.

Discover the programme for Saturday 7
The event is part of the Mountain Future Festival calendar.

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