Events at Altissimo Damiano Chiesa

Events and activities with a breathtaking view on the lake

Damiano Chiesa mountain hut is located on the top of Monte Altissimo and welcomes you with a magnificent view on Lake Garda.
When you're at Altissimo Damiano Chiesa mountain hut you might have the impression to be in Norway, here the blue Lake Garda (2.000 meters under) rests among the mountaing like a fjord of the north. Eleonora and her family run the mountain hut, where you can taste delicious typical dishes while admiring the breathtaking panorama from the top of the mountain. Yoga trek on Mount Altissimo in Nago Saturday 11 June 9.30 a.m: departure from Rifugio Graziani, 7.5 km total of conscious walking, yoga and meditation practice suitable for all. Lunch at Rifugio Monte Altissimo and return scheduled for 3 p.m. For info and reservations: 349 5447677   Discovering the pearls of Mount Altissimo Every Friday and Saturday from May to August, take the opportunity to spend two days on Monte Altissimo in the ‘Garden of Europe’ amidst breathtaking views, tradition, flavours and history. You can choose from several loop treks
  • from the Graziani Refuge to the Altissimo Refuge along path 633
  • from the Altissimo Refuge to Monte Varagna along path 601
  • from Monte Varagna to the Campei mountain hut along path 624 (until the junction with path 650)
  • from the Campei Refuge to the Graziani Refuge via Malga Campo.
Depending on the route you choose, you can decide whether to have lunch or spend the night at the Altissimo Refuge or at the Malga Campei Refuge. The offer includes:
  • Typical lunch with a single course in one refuge (including 1/2 l of water or 1 glass of wine) + dinner, overnight stay and breakfast in the other refuge (drinks not included) at € 60 per person (the night is Friday, while lunch is available both Friday and Saturday).
For info and reservations: Eleonora (Altissimo refuge): 3913839019/0464867130 and Gabriele (Campei refuge): 3926368932   Wellness at high altitude Take some time, breathe and, amidst the green meadows of Mount Baldo, the thousands of colours of the flowers and the blue of the lake and sky, dedicate yourself to the well-being of your soul! In cooperation with Mattarivita, you can try unique wellness experiences in a natural environment, participating in the activities that inspire you most. *For those who wish to participate in both days, there is the possibility of staying with half board at the Refuge at the special price of € 50 per person. Iokai Meridian Shiatsu
  • Sunday 19th June
  • Sunday 28th August
  • Sunday 11 September
In the meadow outside the Refuge, the Mattarivita operators will be there to welcome you to try Shiatsu massage treatments (free offer, no reservation necessary).   Altissimo E-Bike by night Every Monday evening e-bike ascent to the summit of Monte Altissimo where a lakefront sunset awaits followed by dinner at the refuge and night-time descent. The activity includes:
  • ascent without guide, with only e-bike rental at the San Valentino Pass from the Monte Baldo E-bike Centre at € 35 per person
  • sparkling wine at sunset and dinner at the refuge including a single course (two dumplings with melted butter and sage, polenta from Storo, beef goulash and samples of malga cheese), beer or water, coffee and grappa from the refuge at € 20 per person.
Bike pick-up at 5 p.m. at the San Valentino Pass, delivery by 10.30 p.m. at the same place. Info and bookings: Tommaso 347 6509901 – Eleonora (Altissimo refuge): 3913839019/0464867130.

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