Church Music Review
“Omnia Vincit Amor”
Music in Church' review with Trio SOFIA
"Omnia Vincit Amor" concert for soprano, trumpet and piano
Johann Sebastian Bach "Cantata" No. 51
1685 - 1750 "Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen"
for Soprano , Trumpet and Piano
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 'Ave verum corpus'.
1756 - 1791 for Soprano and Piano
Antonio Vivaldi "Domine deus"
1678 - 1741 For Soprano, Trumpet and Piano
Heino Kaski 'Night by the Sea' op.34/1
1885 - 1957 For Piano
Georg - Friedrich Haendel "Let The Bright Seraphim".
1675 - 1759 for Soprano , Trumpet and Piano
Jean - Baptiste Arban 'Carnival of Venice'
1825 - 1889 for Trumpet and Piano
Pancho Vladigherov "From the Six Bulgarian Folk Songs" op.55
1899 - 1978 for Soprano and Piano
1. Al , ne ti and jal , bre
2. Petlite pejat
3. Dimcheta sa nisam pissale
Bernhard Krol "Gloria breve" op.104
1920 - 2013 for Soprano , Trumpet and Piano
1. Adorare
2. Glorify
3. Gratis Agere
Alessandra De Negri - Soprano
Lilian Stoimenov - Trumpet
Stefano Chiozzi - Piano
27 June - 21:15 Historic Andalo Church