Grappa del Trentino

Grappa del Trentino #1
Grappa del Trentino #1
Grappa del Trentino #2
Grappa del Trentino #2
Grappa del Trentino #3
Grappa del Trentino #3
Grappa del Trentino #4
Grappa del Trentino #4
Grappa del Trentino #5
Grappa del Trentino #5

The production of grappa in Trentino is a practice that has roots reaching back into the mists of time. In small family businesses operating in the sector you can still find evidence of centuries of experience, passed down from generation to generation, where man still remains a key factor.
The principles of traditional distillation remain unchanged, following the conventional rules of an indirect heat source and the slow processing of fresh and fragrant marc derived exclusively from Trentino grapes. To guarantee the quality, the Istituto Tutela Grappa del Trentino oversees the process, before approving the brand as Grappa del Trentino, which is only awarded to high quality products and certified on every single approved bottle.

Contact & Directions

Istituto Tutela Grappa del Trentino
Via del Suffragio, 3
38122 Trento , Italy