Palestra di roccia Rizzolaga

Rizzolaga Rock Gym  

This rock climbing area can be reached by a path leading up from behind the church of Rizzolaga, and features five sectors ranging in difficulty from 3° to 9°. Rock-climbers can devote to their beloved sport, as long as they are well-acquainted with anchoring systems and use of climbing equipment, such as harnesses with shock-absorbers, climbing helmets and snap-hooks. Special courses, organised by the Pinè section of the Trentino Alpinists Association, are recommended to anyone who wants to learn the basics of rock-climbing, such as movement techniques and correct use of climbing equipment. The rock climbing area is located outdoors and is always accessible


Contact & Directions

38042 Baselga di Pinè , Italy

Weather Altopiano di Piné and Valle di Cembra

Max Temp. (C): 26°
Temp. Min. (C): 14°
Jul 27
Max Temp. (C): 28°
Temp. Min. (C): 16°
Jul 28
Max Temp. (C): 29°
Temp. Min. (C): 16°
Weather forecast

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