Church of Bellamonte
In Bellamonte, in the municipality of Predazzo, located on a grassy hillside there is a small church entitled to the “Madonna della Neve”
Bellamonte, once called “mountain of hay”, belonged for centuries to the farmers of the middle Val di Fiemme, in particular to the inhabitants of Tesero, who, in 1704, asked the bishop to allow the building of a chapel. The chapel was built and later on blessed in 1722, quickly becoming the summer sanctuary of farmers in honour of the Mother of God.
The small church was enlarged and internally renovated in 1880. The building stands out for its rigorous simplicity, even more remarkable when the surroundings were only expanses of grass and wooden chalets. On the front, above the window, the restored fresco of the Holy Mother with Jesus Christ is still visible. On the walls some praiseworthy paintings of local artists can be admired.
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Weather Val di Fiemme
Max Temp. (C): 7°
Temp. Min. (C): -2°
Jan 25
Max Temp. (C): 7°
Temp. Min. (C): -2°
Jan 26
Max Temp. (C): 4°
Temp. Min. (C): 0°