Ski Schools, Safety and Kindergartens

Whether you’re making your first turns, or want to ski off-piste, our instructors are ready to help.

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Ski Schools, Safety and Kindergartens #1
Ski Schools, Safety and Kindergartens #2
Ski schools Belvedere/Col Rodella

There are more than 2,500 professional ski instructors in Trentino – and they want to help you get the best from the mountains, at whatever level you’re skiing. The formula is a simple one: to their technical expertise they add a safe and structured environment, and an upbeat, confidence-boosting atmosphere. Above all, the emphasis is upon having fun. After all, this is your holiday. It’s not boot camp.

They can teach you a lot more than piste-skiing, too. There are many ways to enjoy the snow, and around 50 schools offer other disciplines and sports – including cross-country skiing, snowboarding, telemarking, and ski touring, as well as freestyle and freeride techniques for both skiers and boarders.

They can also support, or organise, all manner of events and activities. A parallel slalom race for the end of your corporate weekend, perhaps? Or maybe a torchlit parade for your 25th wedding anniversary? They can help you with both: and in a wide range of languages too. In Trentino you’ll find instructors who can speak English, German, Russian, Czech, Polish, Spanish and French. 

Fun for Children

It’s of paramount importance to us that children learn to ski in a well-structured and safe environment. But we also know they won’t progress unless they’re enjoying themselves. So games are always part of the mix, as is a constant dialogue between teacher and pupil. Evening descents by torchlight are also a frequent feature of the skiing week – adding a touch of magic to the learning process. Almost all schools have their own kindergartens, too. Fenced off and set to one side of the pistes, they’re the perfect place to make those first turns on skis, or for playing on a bouncy castle under the watchful eye of qualified staff.


Adrenaline for Adults

Whether you’re a first-timer, or you’re aching to improve, our instructors are ready to help. Beginners will make their first turns on smoothest, gentlest nursery slopes. Intermediates can fine-tune their parallel skiing on our many superb pistes, while more advanced skiers and boarders will love our freeriding and freestyle clinics. Trentino is littered with snow-parks, run by passionate teams of shapers, and almost every one of them has an easy line of kickers, rails and boxes on which to practice. Watch out for our timed slalom courses, too: great places to polish your technique under the watchful eye of an instructor.


Snow for Everyone

We want everyone to get involved. For example, some ski schools offer specially-designed lessons for the disabled and the blind. Many lay on guided snowshoe safaris during the day and at night, to give non-skiers a taste of the snow; and they’ll also organize ski races for corporate groups, ski clubs, and even for national associations.

Published on 06/06/2023