Art and history on the shores of the lake

5 places of culture to combine with a walk by the lake

A castle overlooking the lake, a museum a short distance from its shores or even a small village on stilts that stands right on its waters, and which suddenly appears. In Trentino, a walk by the lake can reserve wonderful surprises. An experience that not only nourishes the body, but trains the mind, inviting it to discover new things.

So we looked for some points of interest related to art and history that we recommend you visit, perhaps combining this experience with a nice walk along the lake shores. For a different morning or afternoon than usual, to stock up on beautiful photos and views to remember.


MAG, Lago di Garda

A beautiful museum in an exceptional location: an imposing fortress on Lake Garda. We are talking about the MAG - Upper Garda Museum, with its rich art gallery, the archaeological section and the spaces dedicated to valuable temporary exhibitions. A point of reference for culture lovers of all ages, thanks to the many initiatives organised with children in mind.


Stilt House Museum, Lake Ledro

The first time you see Lake Ledro you might be surprised to see a small village of stilt houses overlooking one of its banks. Yes, because a Bronze Age settlement enriched by an innovative archaeological museum has been rebuilt on Lake Ledro, a short distance from the World Heritage archaeological site.


Castel San Giovanni, Lake Idro

This castle overlooking the lake hosted within its walls Georg von Frundsberg, commander of the feared Landsknechts, the perpetrators of the Sack of Rome in 1527. In addition to visiting the castle and enjoying the view of Lake Idro, we recommend stopping in the surrounding area to visit the village of Bondone, one of Italy’s most beautiful villages.


Castel Belfort, Lake Molveno

About 30 minutes drive from Lake Molveno, you can visit Castel Belfort, which, though partly ruined, is still imposing and clearly visible. We recommend that, first of all, you stop to admire the view from the tower. And then take in the legend that hovers within these walls, linked to the dark figure of knight Cristoforo!


Toblino Castle, Lake Toblino

An enchanted lake (we do not mean it in a figurative sense) on whose waters stands an elegant Renaissance castle, the scene of a romantic and tragic story. Toblino Castle is one of the most photographed places in Trentino; when you see it, you will discover why.


Arco Castle, Lake Garda

This castle on the rock is not exactly on the lake, but from its top you can admire Lake Garda (about fifteen minutes’ drive away). Our advice? A walk among the olive trees up to the castle and then a stop in Riva del Garda, for a break on the lake shores.


Arte Sella, Lake Levico

This site is not exactly a stone’s throw from the lake (about 45 minutes by car from Lake Levico), but we chose it anyway because we are sure that the art works of Arte Sella will leave you speechless. Built with rocks, branches and trunks, they seem to be one with nature. And, on your way back, don’t forget to stop in Levico Terme, for a walk on the lake shores and a trip to the Christmas markets.

Published on 29/11/2023