Smoked Mortandela from Val di Non

Smoked Mortandela from Val di Non #1
Smoked Mortandela from Val di Non #1

In the past in Val di Non, every family used to buy a pig at the Fair of the Saints and raise it for 12 months, feeding it potatoes, bran, vegetables scraps and hay. With its meat they produced Mortandela - the typical smoked salami of Val di Non, now a Listed Slow Food Product.

Mincemeat and spices are mixed together to form meatballs of various dimensions depending on the size of the butcher's hands. These are then smoked gently, using beech wood and juniper. After a few weeks of curing it can be eaten sliced, either raw or cooked.

The Mortandela accompanies the traditional "tortel di patate", a typical potato dish of Val di Non.

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