Mazzin - Ronch - Pera - Mazzin
Hiking trail • Val di Fassa
Mazzin - Ronch - Pera - Mazzin
<p>Start from the centre of Mazzin. Cross the bridge over the stream "Ruf de Udai" heading south, continue for a short while along "Strèda de Col da Chieve" and climb to the right along a dirt road. The little road, which goes uphill but with a moderate and well distributed gradient, leads to a bend on the road towards "Muncion". Climb this road for approximately 300 metres until you arrive at the village of "Ronch". When you are in front of a beautiful barn (the first building you find on the right-hand side), go downhill to the left along a country path, which will soon even up. Here you can take a pleasant walk through grassy clearings and groups of firs. The route is now downhill, running along the meadows below "Muncion". Walk parallel to the track of the "Via Crucis" (the Way of the Cross) and, as the descent becomes steeper, leave the large track and turn right on the plain through the wood. As you come out, you will see an old barn which has been renovated. Go down to the left and enter the quarter "Rualp". Past the bridge over "Ruf de Soal", continue along "Strada Ciadenac" and after crossing the national road through "Strada Jumela", you will arrive at the wooden bridge over the "Avisio" river. Cross the bridge, turn left into the road that follows the flow of the torrent. Climb a steep but short ramp and you will soon arrive beyond the bridge over the "Avisio" below Mazzin. Climb "Strèda de Chiavacia" first, then "Strèda dò Ruf" and enter the village.</p>