Somrabbi dairy Museum

In an old shift-operated dairy the instruments and techniques of Trentino's dairy traditions

Somrabbi dairy Museum #1 | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole
Somrabbi dairy Museum #1
Somrabbi dairy Museum #2 | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole
Somrabbi dairy Museum #2

The old shared ownership cheese factory built in 1858, is now home to an exhibition of 127 special tools used in the past. It is priceless evidence of the culture of social and economic organisation in the Alpine civilisation. Curation of the exhibition has preserved all the distinguishing features of the old dairy. In the entrance, visitors’ attention is drawn to the huge fireplace and cauldrons that are the museum’s symbol.

Opening Times: 

On request for groups – booking required


Disabled access

Contact & Directions

Casèl di Somrabbi - Centro Visite del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio
38020 Val di Rabbi , Italy

Weather Val di Sole

Max Temp. (C): 29°
Temp. Min. (C): 16°
Jul 27
Max Temp. (C): 29°
Temp. Min. (C): 17°
Jul 28
Max Temp. (C): 30°
Temp. Min. (C): 17°
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