
Rebalance of body and Mind

Treat yourself to a relaxing day in Trentino and choose the Sounds of Sauna; event package, the Day Spa offered by Andalo Life.

Friday 26th April 2024 from 10 am the doors of the ACQUAin wellness center, in Andalo in the heart of the Andalo life, open for an afternoon of balance 'Mindfulness'

Attraverso rituali meditativi e bagni di suoni cercheremo di ristabilire il nostro equilibrio interiore mettendo in contatto le forze intangibili della natura e le energie del nostro corpo e della nostra Mente.

Through rituals of meditation and bath of sounds we rebalance our body and Mind touching the forces of nature.

Special Guest: Lorenza Sonn Yoga teacher,  Angelo Formicola Body Worker Olistic Operator, Pier Francesco Olistic Operator

ACQUAin awaits you to make you live an extraordinary afternoon.

We recommend you: let yourself be pampered! Combine your day at the day spa with a Mindfullness massage.Here is the detailed program:

Note: Program activities have limited places. Access to all is not guaranteed. Reservations for individual activities are to be made directly inside, once you enter the wellness area.

h 10 opening wellness area

h 11 Yoga with Lorenza Sonn

h 11.30 Revitalizing break 

h 12.30 Aufguss by Renata and Serena

h 13 Bath of sound in relax area by Flavia

h 14 Aufguss by Elio

h 14.30 Guided relax by Pier Francesco

h 14.45 Face and Body Treatment in steam bath by Flavia

h 16 Aufguss by Serena e Renata

h 16 Guided relax in relax area by Angelo Formicola 

h 16.30 Revitalizing break

h 17 Aufguss by Renato

h 17.30 Bath of sound in relax area ''Shh'' by Claudio e Angelo Formicola

h 18.30 Aufguss with tibetan bells in Biosauna by Renato, Elio and Claudio

h 19.30 Aufguss by Claudio

The program is included in the daily entrance ticket to the day spa on 26/4


Discover the whole ACQUAin Spa&Wellness offer, to learn about the philosophy of the Nordic spa and come visit us!

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