Serbian Path
Mountain tour • Rovereto, Vallagarina, Altopiano di Brentonico
Serbian Path
A panoramic trail of medium difficulty, with exposed passages and uphill hairpin bends, starting 2 km above Castellano in the direction of Passo Bordala, leading to Cima Bassa in Vallagarina; the return route follows the same route as the outward journey.
<p>The Sentiero dei Serbi (Serbian Path) represents an important historical testimony related to the Great War and the difficult conditions faced by Serbian prisoners of war during its construction on the mountain of Castellano, in Villa Lagarina. Although the current path deviates in some sections from the original Serbian route, it still preserves remains of drystone walls, although many have fallen and are covered by vegetation.</p> <p>Numerous artefacts, trenches and barracks from that period can still be found all over Monte Stivo.</p> <p>The Serbian prisoners, who were treated harshly, often rebelled without success. One episode tells of 300 prisoners hanging from trees after an unsuccessful rebellion. Many deaths in Castellano in March 1916 were caused by collapse and exhaustion from carrying heavy loads.</p>