Armed with 6B Pencil
Exhibition by Toti Buratti
We are excited because in January our rooms are hosting a particularly important exhibition.
It is called “Armata di matita 6B | Armed with Pencil 6B”
It exhibits a cartoonist known throughout the world, and a friend of many people in our city: Toti Buratti, ‘dean’ of Andromeda, inspirer of so many paths, soul of our Association, teacher by mission, generous fighter in any cause that deserves her commitment as a satirical cartoonist who kills to death with sweetness.
'A satirical cartoonist has no choice,
he must become a ‘fighting cartoonist’.
Ignorance, opportunism, intolerance,
cynicism, indifference, are taking over like an invasion
with devastating effects.
A new resistance must be born.
It is time to leave our quiet shelters,
become partisans again and take up our weapons:
6B pencils, soft and powerful.’
- Toti Buratti