Understanding the mountain
A journey through the history of the Alpine arc to discover the relationship between man and nature, the challenges of promoting a culture of sustainability and the major transformations that have affected the mountains of Trentino in the last few centuries.
The exhibition aims to understand the mountains - we experience, we perceive and the governe - in a historical time that is crossed by enormous accelerations and changes, where the Alps appear at the centre of change. The presence of infrastructures, industries, mass tourism, communication routes and, more generally, the multiplying effects of human power linked to the massive use of technological prostheses, have brought mountain territories to the centre of attention. In this continuous process of transformation, the Alps have become a major transnational and multi-ethnic study laboratory for the development of good practices and the elaboration of eco-sustainable territorial organisation models.
The exhibition focuses on the last centuries, from the late Middle Ages onwards, when the rural colonisation of the mountains laid the foundations for the birth of the Alpine landscape as we know it. The themes in focus are divided into a series of actions that identify as many areas in the exhibition: inhabiting, conquering, governing, narrating, working and representing the Alps. In addition to these actions, there are three important thematic focuses on the UNESCO World Heritage Dolomites, the Italian Alpine Club (CAI) and the S.A.T. Alpine Club of Trento (Società Alpinisti Tridentini)
Great attention is also paid to the educational dimension linked to the Alpine landscape and its transformations: there is an area in the exhibition specially designed for schools, which will also challenge the adult public with questions, interesying facts and good practices.
The contents of the interactive tables have been taken care of by the Educational Area of the Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino | Trentino history museum foundation.