The white heart of Trentino

In autumn, each valley pays homage to its Alpine cheeses

It may be that each valley entices one’s appetite of a particular product, but does it also happen to you that after a day spent outdoors in our mountains, the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of a refreshment is precisely that wonderful cheese platter? Even better if accompanied by honey and jams, local cold cuts and probably by a scented toasted-grain bread?

So, like us, you are a cheese lover!

In autumn the cows return from the mountain pastures and are rightfully celebrated with the Desmontegade in every valley, a unique event organised to show them appreciation for the white gold with which they delight us every day. The art of cheese making takes care of the rest!

There are many autumn events dedicated to our cheeses. Celebrations, music, dances, rituals and lots and lots of taste. It is what we call joy!

For a conscious consumption of raw milk products, learn more here.

Puzzone DOP Festival in Moena

From September 20th to 22nd, the towns of Moena, Soraga, and Predazzo celebrate Puzzone di Moena DOP. This festival is entirely dedicated to one of the finest and most famous cheeses in Italy, featuring tastings, theatrical dinners, cooking shows, and visits to the barns where it all begins!

The Cooperative Dairy Plants of Trentino

Each cooperative dairy plant in Trentino tells the story of its farmers and its milk. Their cheeses can be read as a map of the rural valley. We invite you to travel inside them to discover the history of their stories: that of the oldest cheese of each production.

Tasting of typical Trentino cheeses

The appointment with the discovery and tasting of typical Trentino cheeses continues until 30 September in Levico Terme, in Valsugana. Your aperitif is waiting on Saturdays, from 17.30 to 19.00. The event offers the opportunity to explore the typical cheeses of each valley and taste them with the best pairings. Who better than cheesemakers will know how to enhance cheese tasting notes?

Formai dal mont (Cheeses from the Mountain)

In Val di Non too autumn is the season in which herds and flocks leave the mountain pastures after summer and the shepherds bring mountain pasture cheese wheels down to the valley. The best opportunity to get to know and taste them is “Formai dal mont”, in Rallo on 26 and 27 October, a display of cheeses made with milk from the pastures of Val di Non, Val di Sole and the Paganella plateau.

CheeseFestiVal di Sole

September is the month of Casolèt! The cheese of Val di Sole par excellence will be celebrated until 23 September with events and appointments dedicated to the culture of mountain pastures and its culinary tradition. Don’t miss guided tours, tastings and cooking shows!

Celebrating milk

On 21 and 22 September, the Latte in festa event moves to Rabbi, in Val di Sole. A weekend of events, walks and tastings. You can experience milking, learn about the stories of herdsmen and participate in thematic workshops, which are also dedicated to children.

Alpine cheese competition

In November, like every year, the event sponsored by the De Bellat Foundation returns to Castel Ivano, in Valsugana, rewarding those who have chosen to invest in the land. A day of debates, culture and tastings of valley cheeses in combination with other local products and a guided tour of the Castle. Who will win the nomination for best 2024 Alpine Cheese?

Dì del formai (Cheese Day)

In the suggestive location of Palazzo Scopoli, in Tonadico nel Primiero, at the foot of Pale di San Martino, starting at 4.00 pm a not-to-miss evening dedicated to the world of valley cheeses. An immersive experience for young and old with à la carte tastings and a story to write in a protected space where music blends with the palate: Caseifonia (the sound of cheese)!

Published on 18/07/2024