Trentino’s green taste

Traditional dishes (but not just) through a vegetarian remake

6 Vegetarian Restaurants in Trentino
6 Vegetarian Restaurants in Trentino
6 Vegetarian Restaurants in Trentino

Legumes, cereals, fruit and vegetables: lovers of the plant-based cuisine will find in Trentino something to sink their teeth in! In these valleys and mountains, nestled between Lake Garda and the Alps, traditional farm-to-table cuisine has always been about simple, wholesome and full-of-flavour dishes, prepared with genuine ingredients typical of the vegetarian diet.

local restaurants have tapped into the invaluable knowledge of old recipes and cooking methods with the aim of giving classic vegetarian dishes a modern twist, combining good food, visual appeal and the promise of authentic local flavours.

Here’s our pick of 6 of the best veggie-friendly spots in Trentino!

Veg Point - Tenna

Located on the hill between Lake Levico and Lake Caldonazzo, Veg Point in Tenna offers an understated yet welcoming ambience with a wide variety of vegetarian and vegan dishes inspired by different ethnic cuisines and prepared exclusively with locally sourced and organic products.


L’Orto di Pitagora – Rovereto

Occupying what once was an historic arsenal in Rovereto, the restaurant serves up vegetarian and vegan dishes counting on a longstanding knowledge of traditional cooking with an innovative approach to creative meet-free cuisine. Seasonal and locally grown produce are a staple of the menu that is nothing short of delicious.


BioEssere Risto&Café - Arco

A modern and colourful spot, not far from Lake Grada, Bio Essere Risto & Café is right up your street if you are looking for a healthy bite to eat. The café dishes up vegetarian meals made with organic food including gluten-free and vegan options. It also runs vegan cooking classes.


Corte dei Toldi – Terzolas

In the historic centre of Terzolas in Val di sole, Corte dei Toldi is not strictly vegetarian but plant-base creations have plenty of space on the menu. The passion for locally grown produce is matched by the desire of bringing innovation and creativity to the table in a rustic yet stylish atmosphere.


Black Sheep pasticceria Bio & Vegan - Trento

This dinky patisserie workshop is big on superfood treats prepared only using vegan and raw ingredients and following meticulously artisanal methods. A health-promoting venture serving up raw, organic and “free-from” kind of goodies taking away the guilt from treating yourself to something “sweet”.
