Magic Flute
In a small, now abandoned suburban theatre, amidst shelves, dust and chests, a company of actors decides to revive a magical musical story, thanks to the unexpected presence of a child audience.
It is the story of a little prince named Tamino, and his trusty Papageno, who will have to face the moody demands of the Queen of the Night and the terrible challenges of the impetuous Sarastro, in order to reach the beloved princess Pamina.
Only with the union of the two protagonists will the magic of transformation be possible! Between puppets, singers and actors, children will be called upon to help support the unfolding of one of Mozart's most famous operas.
The show, in balance between opera and theatre, features a musician, a singer and two actors, who invite the audience to sing an aria from the opera and interact with the performers at the most decisive moments of the performance.