The vibrations of the Crystals

An afternoon of contact with the balanced energies of the earth.

Treat yourself to a day of relaxation in Trentino and choose the event package 'The vibrations of the crystals' the Day Spa offered by Andalo Life, the keywords are sauna rituals and crystal therapies.

Friday 27th January 2023 from 2.00 pm the doors of the ACQUAin wellness center in Andalo open for a day of relaxation and balanced energies of the earth.

On this special afternoon we will discover that when crystals come into contact with our body, an exchange of energies is generated.

The stones or crystals will give us their positive energy while we will dissolve all our tensions by entering a state of profound well-being.
Special Guest: Mariagrazia Valle - bio natural Reiki rau operator ACQUAin awaits you to make you live an extraordinary afternoon.

We recommend you: let yourself be pampered! Complete your day in the day spa with the Chakra ritual for inner balance.Here is the detailed program:

14.00 opening of the wellness center

15.00 scrub in the steam bath

16.00 Aufguss

16.30 Revitalizing break

17.00 Aufguss

17.00 Relaxation with crystals in the relaxation room. Limited places. Access cannot be guaranteed. Booking once you entered the wellness at the sauna meister.

18.00 Aufguss

18.30 Draw of a treatment.

19.00 Nadabrahma meditation with music and breathing. Limited places. Access cannot be guaranteed. Booking once you entered the wellness at the sauna meister.

20.00 Aufguss

The program is included in the daily entrance ticket to the day spa on the 27/1


Book your relaxing afternoon now! 

Discover the whole ACQUAin Spa&Wellness offer, to get to know the philosophy of the Nordic spa and come and visit us!

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