Our sensory journeys

Experiences to be lived outdoors to awaken the 5 senses

Oasis of silence capable of awakening our senses, in the heart of the Trentino forests and Nature Parks: we are talking about sensory journeys, itineraries designed and developed to stimulate our most instinctive perception channels.

Kneipp paths, trails with illustrative panels, barefoot walks, footbridges...along these paths, you will discover that the mountain water is freezing cold, though also a cure-all if you dip both feet; you will feel that the pine bark is rough, but could also be soft and you will experience the inebriating scent of resin.

Walks that enhance your sensory perceptions, to be taken alone or in the company of a guide. There are many of them throughout Trentino, and here are those we recommend.

Kneipp under the sky, Val di Sole

In Val di Sole, in Valorz, you will find the first outdoor Kneipp path in Trentino. You walk in the fresh and pure waters in a well-kept green area, through fountains and ponds. The healing function of water and the cold/warm alternation is excellent for your blood circulation.

The Path of the Senses, Vigolana

Along the 60-km long Vigolana “Path of the Senses” you touch the rocks and the bark of trees with your hand, smell the scents of trees and herbs, listen to the sounds of nature and animals, and admire the landscape with different eyes. You will also find a trail entirely dedicated to taste, along which you can try traditional local dishes.

Parco del Fruscìo, Val di Sole

In Parco del Fruscìo at 1,650 metres a.s.l. in Val di Sole, you can go on a sound installation trail: wooden bells, music boxes hanging from larch trees, drums made with long trunks, huge trumpets. The gentle sounds of the instruments combined with the sounds of the woods and nature.

The Navoi Wellness Park, Primiero

At Fiera di Primiero, you will find an oasis of well-being with an enchanting view of the Pale di San Martino and a lot of equipment for: aquatic therapy, Kneipp path, multisensory journeys and even yoga. A little interesting fact: the first name of the Park is Giardini Belvedere Enrica, because it was donated by Francesco Dramis, a Roman gentleman and a lover of the area, who named it after his wife.

Sentiero degli Aquiloni - Path of the Kites, Trento

The Path of the Kites, located on Monte Marzola, is a multi-sensorial path for visually impaired and blind visitors.  The trail leads to the Bindesi Hut and is fitted with wooden parapets, and tables with visual and tactile information to guarantee access to all visitors.

Zen Trekking, Valsugana

In the nature of Tesino, in Valsugana, you will find Zen Trekking with the Bare Feet Trial for a barefoot hike, the Natural Kneipp to follow in icy water, the Chamber of Inner Silence in the tranquillity of nature, and the fragrant Viale delle Essenze. There is also a Buddhist Temple, and, with a little luck, you may meet monk Ven Seiun.

“L'ega te cuna” Path, Val di Fassa

“L'ega de cuna” (Water in the cradle, in Ladin) is a path through jets, waterfalls and streams. Starting in Penìa di Canazei, the walk traverses the woods, where you can immerse yourself in the scent of fir trees and enjoy interactive water games. You can also complete this walk in the company of a guide.

In the Fairy Gavardina woods, Garda

In Val di Ledro you can find a path made of stones, grass and roots, and which crosses into the fresh waters of streams. Along the path you will find some games designed to test your balance and the grip of your feet. In these woods, which bear the name of Gavardina Fairy, you will discover how beneficial sensory awakening can be!

Published on 30/05/2024